Nov 12, 2021Liked by Angeles Fernández

Saljust now

Hola Angeles,

Muchas Gracias

Aqui mis preguntas!

1. cuentes = the verb 'tell' in the second person? (in your newsletter) but The dictionary states 'count' - so...are there different meanings?

2. " es una correveidile" (why you write 'es' (it/3rd person) and not 'she' (because we are writing about Maria -a female) eg ella una ......

3. a mi hermana (but other sentences I see mi hermana (x 'a') e.g mi hermana es como....

4. intereses =can this word be used for hobbies e.g tengo muchas intereses" (instead of afficiones)

5. me lo puedes dar? = (word order: me it can you give) meaning translation: can you give it to me

Muchas gracias Angeles!

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