Hola Angeles! Muchas gracias por Tu newsletter. Tengo algunas preguntas!

1.precioso = beautiful ??

2. Por delante = walk past but por is not a verb..( or is the literal translation ' through + xxxx'

3. Serios problemas economicos (normally the adjective goes after the noun but here there is a second adjective before (serious) . Mmm I'm curious why the phrase is not. Problemas serios economicas

4. Se trata de Una empresa ..your translation states ' there is a conpany' but I thought / there is/ = hay


5. el enlace =website link?

6.única= solo or only?? (Synonyms??)

7.me contaron algo = xx told me something .contar = verb to tell..I thought it was a different verb

Muchas gracias!!

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Hola Angeles! Muchas gracias por Tu newsletter. Tengo algunas preguntas!

✔ ¡Hola, Sal!

1.precioso = beautiful ??

✔ Not exactly the same thing. "Precioso" is "precious" and "beautiful" is "bonito". From my point of view "precioso" is stronger than "bonito". 😊

2. Por delante = walk past but por is not a verb..( or is the literal translation ' through + xxxx'

✔ Oh, the translation is not literal. We would say "pasar / caminar" por delante" and the closest way to express that would be "to walk past". It is not exactly the same. "Pasar por delante" means that you are walking and.. Imagine that when you are walking, you look, maybe at your right and see the different buildings, shops… So you will be "pasando por delante" ("walking in front of them") of all that places, buidings, etc…

3. Serios problemas economicos (normally the adjective goes after the noun but here there is a second adjective before (serious) . Mmm I'm curious why the phrase is not. Problemas serios economicas

✔ In fact you could use "Problemas serios económicos"! 😊 Some adjectives can be placed either in front or after the noun.

4. Se trata de Una empresa ..your translation states ' there is a conpany' but I thought / there is/ = hay


✔ Sure, this is just a way to translate it. I could also have said: "It's about one company., for example.

5. el enlace =website link?

✔ Correcto. In fact "el enlace" is the Spanish word, but a lot of people in Spain use "link", too.

6.única= solo or only?? (Synonyms??)

✔ I'd translate it as "the only one", "the only + noun". I'd use "solo" for "only".

7.me contaron algo = xx told me something .contar = verb to tell..I thought it was a different verb

✔Oh, yes. In fact "contar" has two meanings: "to count" (1, 2, 3…) and "to tell", as in "contar un cuento", "contar una historia.."

We could also say: "Me dijeron algo" = "Me contaron algo"

(Most of the times "contar" implies the idea of "narration")

Muchas gracias!!

✔¡De nada! ¡Gracias por tu interés! 😊

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